ICYMI: Rapid City Journal: Noem's running mate violated campaign finance law

On Friday, August 31, The Rapid City Journal published an article titled “Noem's running mate violated campaign finance law”:

Larry Rhoden, the running mate of governor candidate Kristi Noem, violated campaign finance law by organizing his fundraising committee too late, according to the state's top election official.

The Rhoden for Lieutenant Governor committee was organized Wednesday, more than two months after Rhoden became Noem’s running mate.

South Dakota Codified Law 12-27-3 says a candidate “shall file a statement of organization for a candidate campaign committee with the secretary of state not later than fifteen days after becoming a candidate.”

The article also noted:

A violation of the 15-day deadline to file a statement of organization is a Class 2 misdemeanor punishable by up to 30 days in jail and a $500 fine.

Read the rest of the article here.

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